ПГ по туризъм ,,Александър Паскалев'' гр. Хасково

вторник, 22 октомври 2013 г.


Trip to Poland

The first day we spent on wheels if I can say so, because we travelled by  bus, by plane, by bus again and by train we reached our final destination Bialystok. I was tired, excited and impatient to meet the other participants in the project. When we arrived in Bialystok it was pretty late, it was cold and it was raining. We didn’t know the direction to the hotel, so we had to ask few people. They were kind enough to help us.
The second day we went to Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych, the school was really big and beautiful. From the presentations I learned a lot about other counties’ traditional food. After that we had “a little” tour around the school where they showed us the special class rooms where the boys are studying things like: engine control diagnostics, car diagnostics, usable metalwork, etc.
The teachers we met were so kind and friendly. I also had the chance to talk with few students that weren’t in the project and they were very friendly and curious about our country.
During the sport activities we got really close, it’s like when we were playing there weren’t languages barriers.
Later in the day we went on a sightseeing tour of Bialystok. Although it was cold we enjoyed and made pictures of every building we saw.
After the sightseeing we went to karaoke, where we had so much fun! We sang many songs, the polish boys were so kind to ask every girl for a dance. The dinner was with variety of regional polish products, and it was really delicious.
The third day we went to Bialowieski Park. There was my first time seeing buffalos. We were in the forest where the air was clean, it was also very quiet far away. Few hours of relaxing from the busy city.
Later in the day we got to ride an old railway trolley in Bialowieski Forest all by ourselves. Just like the cartoons from my childhood I was really excited to ride on an old railway trolley. Before it was just a dream, but in Poland became reality with really good experience and memories. We had so much fun!
         The fourth day was our last day with everyone, so we made sure to spend great time in Warsaw. We went to a sightseeing tour in the old city of Warsaw. There was a building in which walls had a bullet holes from World War II, I will remember this building for a long time. We also saw a polish wedding couple.
After that we went to the most interesting place in the whole trip and that was Copernicus Science Centre. There I was put in giant bubble which was so amazing! There we were able to make physics experiments all by ourselves. They were made like games, so that everyone from kids to grandparents could enjoy and make them. So we were learning by playing.
And in the end of the day the Polish team sent us to our hostel. We felt like crying because we knew that we wouldn’t see them again. Thank God there’s internet and facebook so we can talk and remembering the good time we spend in Poland.
         The fifth day came and we went to the airport for our flight to Bulgaria. I left Poland with one thought in my head - I want to go back one day to see more from this beautiful and interesting country! 

Gloria Dimitrova

събота, 19 октомври 2013 г.



The trip to Poland was  one of the most exciting experiences of my life. It‘s a first time I flew by airplane and visited another country. I was very happy! I was looking forward  to  meeting  other participants in the project.
When we arrived in Poland I was fascinated by the beautiful countryside and friendly people. I met many students and learned about the traditional food in different countries. The Polish food was very delicious.
The school in Bialystok was very huge. Students and teachers were very friendly and cheerful. They showed us the whole school and told us about their school subjects. It was very interesting and I realy like it.
We visited Bialowieski Park. I‘d like it because it was peaceful and clean and there were many different animals.
We  also went to karaoke bar where  we all had fun. We sang and danced all the time.
On the fourth day we went to the capital of Poland, Warsaw. We visited the ancient city that was destroyed in the World War II and than rebuilt. Buildings were in different colours and the view was breathtaking.
Finally, we attended the Copernic Museum where everything was new and interesting to me.
Although,the weather was cold and sometimes rainy I had a great time in Poland. I liked the country, the people and the food. The trip to Poland were the five unforgetable days of my life.


    От 24.09. до 28.09 ученици от ПГ по туризъм „Ал. Паскалев“ взеха участие в мобилност гр. Бялисток - Полша, където се проведе поредната среща по програма Коменски на тема „Хранете се по-добре за да живеете по-добре през целия си живот“.
   В проекта участват младежи от България, Турция, Италия, Чехия, Германия, Полша. По време на престоя си учениците посетиха училището по механизация в гр. Бялисток , срещнаха се със свои връстници, запознаха се с традиционна полска кухня, взеха участие в спортни мероприятия, презентираха регионални храни на своите държави.
  В програмата бяха включени посещение на природонаучния музей и резерват в Бяловиеза, музеят на науките Коперник и туристическа обиколка на Варшава. През м. февруари нашето училище ще бъде домакин на поредната среща по проекта.